• doTERRA White Grapefruit 5ml Moodporium

    doTERRA White Grapefruit 5ml


    White Grapefruit essential oil can be used aromatically, topically, and internally.  The deliciously citrus fresh scent is uplifting and can be used to create an environment of positivity and confidence. Diffuse White Grapefruit in the morning while...
  • doTERRA Myrrh 5ml

    doTERRA Myrrh 5ml


    While it is known to hold powerful cleansing properties, particularly for the throat and mouth, Myrrh oil can also create an inspiring atmosphere with its aroma.\nDescriptionAncient records show that Myrrh was deemed so valuable that at times it was...
  • doTERRA Fennel (sweet)

    doTERRA Fennel (sweet)


    Fennel is best known for its distinct licorice aroma and taste, yet its ability to promote healthy digestion when used internally is equally noteworthy.\nUses\n\n\nAdd a drop of Fennel in water or tea when craving sweets.\n\n\nAdd one to two drops in a...
  • doTERRA Citronella

    doTERRA Citronella


    From the leaf of a tall grass native to Asia, Citronella essential oil has a crisp, fresh aroma. With powerful pest repellent benefits, Citronella oil keeps creepy-crawlers out of the house and off your skin and clothing. It is an ideal companion for...
  • doTERRA Arise

    doTERRA Arise


    Challenges and discouragement are not uncommon as you strive to accomplish goals and realize dreams. With daily practice of affirmations and uplifting yoga poses and joyful aromas, you can move past these obstacles. Featuring Grapefruit, Lemon,...
  • doTERRA Breathe Vapor Stick

    doTERRA Breathe Vapor Stick


    Enjoy the convenience, quick absorption, and smooth application of doTERRA Breathe Vapor Stick. This unique delivery method of doTERRA Breathe proprietary blend can be used anytime, anywhere to enjoy a cooling, soothing vapor. The natural formula of this...
  • doTERRA Align Blend

    doTERRA Align Blend


    doTERRA Align features Bergamot*, Coriander, Marjoram, Peppermint, Jasmine, and Rose essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil. This centering blend helps you to trust in yourself and stay open to all possibilities.
  • doTERRA Cedarwood

    doTERRA Cedarwood


    Known for its rich hue and warm, woody scent, Cedarwood essential oil provides myriad benefits. It is native to cold climates, thriving in high altitudes and growing up to 100 feet. Reminiscent of its size and strength, Cedarwood oil has a grounding...