Looking at 2023

Looking at 2023

Wow. If you’re reading this, you survived 2022. Some of us thrived, but we all survived. And if surviving is all you could “muster” this year, be okay with it. I get it. It’s been a crazy year. In inflation, everyone was sick at some point, pivoting from COVID (still) and working on themselves. It’s all hard work.

2023 is going to be a massive year for me. My mother turns 85, I turn 50, and my daughter turns 16. It’s a year of new chapters, unlike when the clock starts at midnight on December 31st.

So for me, when I look at 2023 (new year) and turning 50 and the other women in my life having significant milestones, a couple of things stand out.

  1. Recognizing that you don’t have all your shit together. Ever. That’s something that I hope to get in my daughter’s head too. Is there a path? Sure. Do we veer off it from time to time? Yes, but it’s okay.
  2. Stop caring what other people think about me. LAWD.
  3. Part of #2 is creating boundaries, even if that means with family members, friends, and people in your inner circle. Peace of mind is a priority.
  4. Be with people who light you up. Who will protect and carry you when you need help with the load. But make sure you have the space to do the same for others. Fewer friends with a more profound connection.
  5. Make goals but know that you have to work hard to get them. If you’re not, take those goals off the table.
  6. Self-care is not selfish.

I’m going into 2023, knowing it’s a marathon and that I need to pace myself and take “breaks” to keep going.

Looking at 2023 for the businesses, I would say growing Moodporium online business is very important to me. I want to see this be the spot to order hemp products not just for Pittsburgh but on a larger scale. The next would be getting the two new companies (MoodRXtreats and Cannamood Apparel) off the ground, and getting Moodedibles set up. I have others concepts mapped out, but they will probably be in 2024. And that’s okay.

Let me know what you’re thinking about with the new year and if I can help. I will! 

Dec, 27, 2022

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