420 Day

This year has pretty much flown by, huh? Heck, it’s already April — and that means 4/20 is right around the corner.  And though the 4/20 holiday has traditionally been used to celebrate all things cannabis, it can also be extended to the wide world of hemp. 

In this post we’ll take a close look at where 4/20 came from, what it symbolizes, and how you can enjoy it to the max today.  

  • 4/20’s interesting history

  • Cannabis, hemp, and prohibition

  • Freedom of...relaxation?

  • How to relax the natural way 

    • CBD

    • Hemp

    • Delta 8 THC

4/20’s interesting history

For decades now, cannabis enthusiasts have questioned what this iconic number actually refers to.  The answer depends largely on who you ask. Some point to the time of day many people break out the bud (4:20 pm), others refer to police codes. According to hippie icon Wavy Gravy, 4/20’s origins are a little more ethereal, having begun “somewhere in the foggy mists of time.”

It turns out that 4/20’s meaning is actually pretty multi-dimensional. 

It all began in 1971, when some students from California’s San Rafael High School began meeting at 4:20 in the afternoon to *secretly partake of some bud.  This group of students eventually became known as the “Waldos,” since they met up at a wall, and they would say “420” to each other as a code word for marijuana. This codeword quickly became utilitarian among those who wanted to talk cannabis without other people noticing. 4/20 was then popularized by the Walking Dead, and the rest is pretty much history. 

Cannabis, hemp, and prohibition

As 4/20 became better and better known, it picked up yet another meaning: it became a way to champion cannabis’s cause. 

And a way to highlight that the plant should’ve never been made illegal in the first place, of course. (The ban on cannabis began in the 1930s, not from any new scientific findings, but from conflicts of interest on the part of anti-cannabis industries. In other words, it was a total smear campaign!)

As state governments began to re-legalize cannabis one by one, 4/20 celebrations and protests began to pick up steam. A major landmark happened in 1996, when the state of California passed a Compassionate Use Act that allowed patients to use cannabis for medical conditions like cancer. 

Despite all its playfulness, 4/20 might actually be an effective means of protest. Major 4/20 celebrations often precede cannabis legalization — just look at what’s happened in Colorado or Canada for examples of that.  4/20 rallies continue to be used in prohibition states as a fun form of protest. 

Fast forward to 2021 and our nation as a whole has become pretty “420 friendly.” Hemp and its derivatives are fully legal...most states have at least legalized medical marijuana...and most adults support federal legalization. We’ve come a long way, indeed! 

Freedom of...relaxation?

What is 4/20 really all about?

If we can get a little philosophical for a second, we’d say this: it’s about freedom. 

The freedom to relax. 

The freedom to unwind.

And the freedom to escape stress! As dual country music star + cannabis activist Willie Nelson put it, “the biggest killer on the planet is stress...and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.” 

All in all, cannabis is just a plant — and a pretty harmless one at that. Its legalization only makes sense. 

How to relax (the natural way)

At Pittsburgh House of Oils we’re huge fans of using cannabinoids and other natural remedies to promote relaxation and health. Here’s how you can use CBD, hemp, and delta-8 THC to unwind. 


CBD, or cannabidiol, is the hemp plant’s best-known ingredient. Why? Mostly because it’s really, really good at reducing stress. According to molecular biologist Dr. Bob Melamede, cannabinoids like CBD are basically the oils of life. They allow any organism that ingests them to rise above external stressors and thrive — at the molecular level.  

Best of all, the way that cannabinoids reduce stress is holistic. CBD doesn’t exert its effects via just one or two receptors. It works through hundreds of molecular targets to restore overall balance! These targets include some of the most important receptor sites in the human brain. 

* If you’re using CBD to relax, one word of wisdom: higher doses are more relaxing than lower ones, so don’t hold back!


Hemp contains other cannabinoids worth celebrating, too. Its other top ingredients include CBG, CBC, CBN, and Delta 8 THC (more on this one next).

While all of these cannabinoids have their own unique benefits, experiencing said benefits doesn’t have to be complicated. Just opt for a full spectrum CBD product (hint: these gummies) and you’ll get all the good stuff in one ultra-convenient package! 

Delta 8 THC

Delta-8 THC might embody the spirit of 4/20 more than any other hemp-derived cannabinoid.

Why? Long story short...because it can actually get you high. 

Seriously: delta-8 THC confers a high that’s similar to what you might experience with ‘regular’ THC/cannabis.  Some people actually like delta-8’s effects even more, since it tends to stay mellow and controlled. Research shows that delta-8 lights up both types of endocannabinoid receptors to provide powerful but balanced mental effects.  

Summing things up

If you want to celebrate 4/20 the right way — you know, by using hemp and/or cannabis to get back to health and nature —  then consider us your one-stop shop!

At Pittsburgh House of Oils we’re all about:

  • Restoration of your health, mind, and well-being

  • Relief from symptoms caused by stress, anxiety, pain, and other ailments

  • Vitality in your everyday life

  • A variety of pure and sustainable products

  • Data-based education/classes and literature

  • A welcoming experience driven by hometown pride and local camaraderie

Apr, 21, 2021

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