Combating Holiday Stress

Combating Holiday Stress

The holidays for my family are like the food Olympics; we go all out with the spread. We go all out with the stress too. I have a hard time with sensory overload, anxiety, and sleep issues during this time. I'm sure I'm not alone. At the store this year, we decided to focus on ways to take care of YOURSELF during the holiday season with relaxation, fun, and more of an enjoyable time.

I've pulled together tips to help you have a "stress-free" November and December.

1) Sleep - This is not negotiable. I get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, especially before holiday functions. If I don't get enough sleep, my mother will tell me, Holly, you look so tired, and I'm tired of hearing it. The real reason is that I consider sleep self-care essential for being the best I can be each day. We all need it, so I take any sleep products while slathering my feet with doTERRA Serenity.

2) Gratitude - I try to start and end my day with three-five things I'm grateful for. I use an appto remind me. We now have this app available as a hard-book journal. These things don't have to be significant endeavors but the small things that touch my heart or improve my life. When we practice gratitude, it helps us be more positive and express more compassion and kindness. This isn't just for thriving during the holiday season but something we should all practice year-round. Oh, and sleep better; see #1.

3) Treat Yo Self - I know it's the holiday season, and it's all about giving, but trust me when I say no one else will take care of you as you can. It would help if you honored yourself with whatever is a "treat" for you. Maybe it's that manicure/pedicure, the pretty sweater, or alone time in the bath where I zone life out and relax. Make sure you don't forget about yourself during this time because you'll need to recharge if you're going to survive the next 45 days. Here's my go-to with baths.

4) Get off your phone - I bet you're reading this on your phone right now (thank you), but you must put it down during this time of year. I know you want to post the fabulous dinner you had or the event you went to, but try being in the moment with the people around you instead. Take the time instead of focusing on yourself (get a book, listen to some music, etc.) or with family and friends. Savor the moment, LIVE. There will also be less temptation to compare yourself with others if you're not scrolling through the internets.

5) Hugs - I recently saw Justin Bieber is doing a movement about hugs and mental health, and I am HERE FOR IT. I'm a hugger. But seriously, did you know that hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels, healing feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger? Get off the phone (see #4) and hug someone instead. HUG IT OUT this season. Please feel free to come to the store if you need one.

6) Have more sex - If you are a parent of a young child, I know you're laughing at me right now with this one. I've been there. Sex comes at the bottom of the list because you have to play the role of Santa and the elves. It's stressful. Hear me out. During sex, your body releases endorphins and oxytocin, and these feel-good hormones create feelings of relaxation and intimacy, helping to stave off anxiety and depression. Set the mood. Get some help with our CBD Sex products and then grab any of our Delta 8 gummies. sex will be electric; I promise you that. We all need to blow off steam, so why not do it in the bedroom?

7) Learn to say no - How many things have you been invited to by friends and family that you feel wrong to say no to?! Yup, too many. Remember when I said in #3 that when you're the only person going to take care of you…here it is again. You know, when you've got too much on your plate, you have no more "me time." No Bueno. Just say sorry, I'm swamped, and I will not be able to attend the potluck dinner…maybe next year and move on. Find the balance between having fun and recharging.

8) Laugh - Laughter is a quick way to reduce stress and has quite a few healing properties (who knew?!). If you're like, bah humbug with the laughter, let me help you. I want you to grab any of our products that are either the Watermelon Zkittlez or Gary Payton strains because one of the most noticeable side effects from those is the giggles. Take a few puffs from a disposable pen with your partner and laugh your ass off. You'll feel better and be ready for whatever holiday cheer you need to conquer.

9) Lead with love - We are all going through our own sh** y'all. Try to be less judgy and use self-talk to get the negative thoughts and energy out of your head. Seriously if you need a mantra, prayer, etc., to get through the day so that you stop the negative vibes you are putting out there - do it.

10) Oil up - Listen, this is why you come to me because you're like, HOLLY, MY ANXIETY IS THROUGH THE ROOF…HOW CAN I SURVIVE?!! I got you, boo. It's time to oil up. Get a routine with essential oils + CBD. Citrus blends in the morning (in the shower and as perfume) to keep your mood in check. Then find a CBD regime that you feel comfortable with. For me, Winged CBD Happiness calms my brain for most of the day and gives me a serotonin boost. If I'm going to a family function, I'll use a Nimo Soothe (a D8 product) 30 minutes before we head out.

Let's all have a joyous (or maybe less stressful - let's be honest) holiday season is year. I hope this helps!

Nov, 10, 2022

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